On girls wearing makeup: "But you girls don’t understand how much you mess up your skin. You can’t help it, but make-up is the worst thing you can do to your skin. I love girls natural, but I don’t mind make-up. There’s nothing wrong with it, there’s really nothing wrong with it. See, guys like us we just like—well me, I only speak for myself, but guys like me, I’m used to normal. I’m used to real. Like yeah, your shit is going to stink, you’re real, you know? You piss, you bleed, you laugh, you cry—you’re human. So makeup is just like an artificial expression if you ask me. When it’s time to get all dazzled up or you’re going out, then fine. I like red lips, it’s fine. I’m going to be real, though: it’s bad for making out, because it gets on the guys." - As told to The Coveteur by A$AP Rocky
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